5 Best Stress-Relief Techniques for a Busy Lifestyle

Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done? As our to-do lists grow longer, so does our stress. Chronic stress takes a real toll both mentally and physically.

From headaches and stomach issues to anxiety and even heart disease, it is so important we make time to manage our stress. The good news is, you do not need hours to give your mind and body the break they need.

There are simple stress relief techniques you can easily fit into even the busiest schedule. In this blog post, we’ll talk about 5 Best Stress Relief Techniques for a Busy Lifestyle.

5 Best Techniques of Stress Relief for a Busy Lifestyle

Here are 5 quick and effective ways to combat stress that will re energize you to take on all of those tasks on your list:

1.     Take Deep Belly Breaths

5 Best Stress-Relief Techniques for a Busy Lifestyle

Taking just one minute for some deep belly breathing can work wonders when stress strikes. This simple practice taps into the body's natural relaxation response, signaling your nervous system to kick back into a calmer gear.

Inhale calm, exhale stress with deep breaths;

      Set phone alerts to remind you

      Inhale fully through nose

      Allow belly to expand

      Exhale slowly out through mouth

      Repeat 5-10 times when overwhelmed

A single minute of regulated, mindful breathing provides an easy and quick reboot for frazzled nerves.

2.     Getting Moving

Even small bursts of physical movement can lift your mood and relax your body in an instant. Getting active releases endorphins the "feel good" hormones while loosening up muscle tension.

Quick movement energizes and de stresses;

      Take short walk breaks

      Climb a few flights of stairs

      Stretch fully 2-3 times

      Dance to favorite lively songs

Aim for 30 minutes daily. But even 10 minutes of activity can provide a renewing pick me up.

3.     Be present

Being fully engaged in the present moment can pull us out of the endless mental loops about the past and future that drive stress. Taking a mindful pause to tune into the senses sight, smell, sound, taste and touch brings deep calm.

Find calm in the here and now;

      Pause to observe textures around you

      Listen closely to ambient sounds

      Notice colors and sights intently

      Inhale scents floating by

Getting out of the anxious "monkey mind" chatter gives our stressed brains a little reprieve.

4.     Laugh Out Loud

5 Best Stress-Relief Techniques for a Busy Lifestyle

Few things can lift worries and boost mood faster than a hearty belly laugh. Humor provides an instant release of pleasure inducing neurotransmitters and relaxing, feel good endorphins.

Laughter Nature's stress medicine;

      Share silly videos with friends

      Watch a hilarious sitcom episode

      Scroll favorite funny memes

      Simply fake laugh for 60 seconds

Seeking out daily comedy relief keeps stress and tension from bringing you down for long.

5.     Set Tech Boundaries

The constant ding of texts, emails, and app notifications keeps our brains wired and stressed 24/7. Creating tech free blocks forces vital mental recharging.

Give your brain a digital detox break;

      Set device free dining times

      Take relaxing walks phone free

      Make final hour before bed screen free

      Commit to set offline hours

Unplugging regularly lets our overloaded minds relax completely into distraction free rest.


By being intentional about incorporating stress relief into your day, you can maintain peak performance and avoid burnout even with your busy schedule. Start putting into practice one or two of these proven and fast acting stress busters.

Remember, your mental and physical well being impacts every area of your life. Make it a priority with the same dedication given to crossing items off your to do list.


Q. What are some quick stress relief techniques you can do at the office?

Ans. Try a brisk 10 minute walk, close your eyes and take 10 long deep breaths, or listen to soothing music with headphones for 5 minutes in a private spot.

Q. I am always multitasking. How can you practice being present?

Ans. Focus completely on sensations during routine tasks like brushing teeth, washing dishes or showering instead of letting your mind wander.

Q. What are options for tension relief when you don’t have time for a massage?

Ans. Try discounted student massages, a handheld massager, or tennis ball against the wall targeting back and shoulders for 5 minutes.